
I’m a PhD candidate working at the Mechanics and Energy Laboratory at Northwestern University with Professor Alessandro F. Rotta Loria. My research areas of interest involve geomechanics and engineering mechanics in a context of engineered materials. In my research, I explore new metholodiges that can efficiently tailor, improve, strengthen, and retrofit the natural and built environments while ensuring carbon-neutrality. Such methods could ensure the resilient and effective development of constructions.

Electrokinetic Mineralization of Geomaterials

This project develops investigations to study of the effect of low-voltage direct current electric fields on the properties and behavior of soils for potential disruptive uses in earth surface engineering. My research focuses on three main tenants, which are especially important:

  1. Experimental studies. Development of a comprehensive experimental plan to study the structural modifications caused by electric fields and corresponding correlation with changes in properties and behavior.

  2. Analytical models. Development of a theoretical framework to describing the electrokinetically induced phenomena in soils via the mathematical formulation of the relevant balance equations for the phenomena that govern this problem.

  3. Computational simulations. Developement of computational studies to establish the effectivness of treatements for widespread engineering applications.